Blueprint For Blogging Cash

If you blog just for fun, then this article is not for you. But if you ventured into blogging with the hope of making a living out of it, then read on…

Starting a blog has never been easier. The advent of turnkey blogging platforms like Blogger and WordPress – that make setting up a blog as simple as ABC – has enabled quite a lot of people to venture into blogging with very high expectations of living the internet lifestyle.

Yes, the internet lifestyle. Most bloggers are people who bought into the idea of being able to work from anywhere, work at their own time and pace, write about what they are really passionate about, work as their own boss, and make stress-free cash in the process; the internet lifestyle. But rather than making money from blogging, a lot of bloggers have tales of woe to tell about their blogging experience.

I’ve had not one, not two, not even ten, but dozens of new SuccessDigest readers who’ve set up blogs with a view to making money from such blogs. Ask me how they can make real money from their blogs after unsuccessfully trying to earn a kobo from their blogs.

“Is it possible to make a living just from blogging?” and “How can I make consistent income from blogging?” are two of the most frequently asked questions by most of these beginner bloggers.

This article will attempt to provide answers to these two most frequently asked questions, and even attempt to address other areas of concern; like how to overcome the challenges bloggers run into, that prevent them from making money from blogging.

By the time you’re through reading this article, you should have a clear picture of what you’ve been doing wrong in your blogging business that is preventing you from earning a kobo from your efforts, and how to go about addressing these problems, even if you’ve never earned a kobo from your blog before. Let’s get started…

‘Is it possible to make a living just from blogging?

This is the first question that we’ll need to provide answers to. In all honesty, the answer to this question is ‘Yes, it is possible to make a living from blogging!’ Linda Ikeji is a living proof.

With the right approach, any Nigerian can turn a blog into a money-making machine. Our findings reveal that Linda Ikeji earns over a million naira monthly from her free ‘.blogspot’ blog alone. Linda’s blogging exploits should silence any ‘doubting Thomas’ out there.

But despite Linda’s exploits, it is still an open secret that many people who venture into blogging with so much enthusiasm, like Linda Ikeji, do not really earn anything from their blogs, and most eventually end up abandoning their blogs after a while.

This is not unconnected with the fact that many bloggers ventured into blogging under the wrong impression, that once they have a blog up and running, money will start flowing into their bank account. We are sorry to inform such bloggers that nothing could be farther from the truth.

Blogging is serious business. To earn real money from your blogging experience, there are rules and regulations that MUST be followed religiously. These rules and regulations are like a template, that if well-implemented will most definitely make your blogging venture worthwhile.

What we have done is to compress all these rules and regulations you need to follow into a template, and give it to you below as a blueprint to follow if you’re really serious about living the internet lifestyle via blogging.

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